As a Somatic Sexologist and Pleasure Coach I offer a holistic approach to various aspects of your intimate life. Whether you find yourself struggling to communicate effectively with your partner, yearning to reconnect with your authentic self, navigating the challenges of ADHD sensory overload and an overthinking mind in the bedroom, or exploring the dynamics of open relationships.

There are 3 ways to work with me :

60 MINUTE QUICKIE SESSION : Think of this as speed dating, all your questions answered.

I bring my uniqueness and open-ness to the realm of sexuality, relationships, well-being and body work. My passion lies in reconnecting you beautiful soul's to your body, to let go of the overthinking mind so you can FEEL more pleasure and live a liberating lifestyle. Spend 60 minutes with me and you'll discover how to authentically reconnect to yourself, implement self love and sensual practices, communicate to your partner, grow your confidence and change your patterns.

This is for you if are struggling to navigate issues in your relationship, in need of professional guidance or support related to sexuality, sensuality, pleasure, sexual trauma or whatever you feel! I’m here.

4 WEEK PROGRAM : Are you ready to ‘Unlock your pleasure potential?’

A transformative 4-week journey designed to awaken your senses, ignite your passions, heal your trauma and unlock the full spectrum of pleasure within you. Throughout this 4 week program, you'll embark on a liberating exploration of your body, mind, and spirit, guided you to more pleasure.

We delve into the realms of sensuality, intimacy, and self-discovery, unraveling the limiting beliefs that inhibit your ability to experience true pleasure. Through a range of practices, exercises, and reflections, you'll learn to release inhibitions, embrace vulnerability, and cultivate a deeper connection with yourself and others.

Each week, you'll embark on a new chapter of exploration, building upon the foundations laid in the previous weeks to unlock new levels of pleasure and fulfillment. From sensual movement and breathwork to intimate communication and mindfulness, you'll discover the keys to unlocking your innate capacity for joy and ecstasy.

This is for you if you ready to embark on a journey of self-liberation, empowerment, and pleasure and let go of the anxiety, the overwhelm and disconnected self.


Breathwork sessions are designed to nourish your body, mind, and soul. Our session will be an exploration of conscious breathing techniques aimed at deepening your connection to self, releasing tension, and cultivating inner peace. During the session, I will guide you through a series of intentional breathing exercises to help you tap inwards, you will have the opportunity to release stress, unlock emotional blockages, and experience profound relaxation.

No prior experience with breathwork is necessary.

This is for you if you desire to re-connect to your inner self, let go of the mind chatter, create space for new beginnings and heal whats holding you back in life.

All sessions are available for singles/couples